Japanese phrase(Bus

Excuse me, is anyone sitting here?

Basic, Question, Traffic, Bus
  • suimasen konosekiwa aiteimasuka
  • すいません、この席はあいていますか?

How do I pay the fare?

Basic, Question, Traffic, Bus
  • jyousyachinwa douyatte shiharaeba iinodesuka
  • 乗車賃はどうやって支払えばいいのですか?

What is the fare?

Basic, Question, Traffic, Bus, Taxi
  • jyousyachinwa ikuradesuka
  • 乗車賃はいくらですか?

Does this bus go to ○○?

Basic, Question, Traffic, Bus
  • konobasuwa ○○niikimasuka
  • このバスは○○に行きますか?

When is the next bus coming?

Basic, Question, Traffic, Bus
  • tuginobasugakurunowa itsudesuka
  • 次のバスが来るのはいつですか?

Where is the bus stop?

Basic, Traffic, Bus, Road
  • basuteiwa dokodesuka
  • バス停はどこですか?