Japanese phrase(Fitting

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Are these on sale?

Basic, Question, Shopping, Fitting
  • Korea serudesuka
  • これらはセールですか?

This is a good deal.

Basic, Shopping, Fitting, Payment
  • okaidokudane
  • お買い得だね。

Could you bring me a cart?

Basic, Question, Shopping, Fitting, Payment
  • katowo mottekitekureru?
  • カートを持ってきてくれる?

Where are the daily household items?

Basic, Question, Shopping, Fitting
  • nichiyouhin uribawa dokokana?
  • 日用品売り場はどこかな?

What’s the expiration date?

Basic, Question, Shopping, Fitting
  • shomikigenwa itsumadedesuka
  • 賞味期限はいつまでですか?

Can I try this?

Basic, Question, Shopping, Fitting
  • shisyoku dekimasuka
  • 試食できますか?

I will think it over.

Basic, Reply, Shopping, Fitting
  • kentoushimasune
  • 検討しますね。

I’ll call you later.

Basic, Shopping, Fitting
  • atodekoewokakemasu
  • あとで声をかけます。

Do you have sunscreen?

Basic, Question, Other, Medicine, Shopping, Fitting
  • hiyakedomewa arimasuka
  • 日焼け止めはありますか?

I am looking for ○○. Where is it?

Basic, Question, Shopping, Fitting
  • ○○wosagashitemasu. dokoniarimasuka
  • ○○を探してます。どこにありますか?

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