Japanese phrase(Restaurant

What do you have for dessert?

Basic, Question, Restaurant, Eats
  • dezatowa naninishimasuka
  • デザートはなににしますか?

I’d like some more coffee.

Basic, Restaurant, Cafe, Eats
  • kohiwo mouippaihoshiinodesuga
  • コーヒーをもう一杯欲しいのですが。

What size would you like?

Basic, Question, Restaurant, Cafe
  • saizuwa ikaganasaimasuka
  • サイズはいかがなさいますか?

Could I get a cup of coffee?

Basic, Restaurant, Cafe
  • kohiwoippaikudasai
  • コーヒーを一杯ください。

Are you still working?

Airport, Flight, Basic, Restaurant, Eats
  • oshokujiwa osumideshouka
  • お食事はお済みでしょうか?

Could you take the food plate?

Airport, Flight, Basic, Restaurant, Eats
  • shokujinopuretowo sagetemoraemasuka
  • 食事のプレートを下げてもらえますか?

What kinds of beer do you have?

Airport, Flight, Basic, Question, Restaurant, Eats
  • birunomeigarawa nanigaarimasuka
  • ビールの銘柄は何がありますか?

Could you wait about five minutes , please?

Basic, Restaurant, Cafe, Fastfood, Receptionist, Restaurant
  • gofunhodo omachiitadakemasudeshouka
  • 5分程お待ちいただけますでしょうか?

I am so sorry, there is no table available now. We will have to ask you to wait.

Basic, Restaurant, Receptionist, Restaurant
  • mousiwakearimasen. tadaima mansekinanode omachiitadakukotoninarimasu
  • 申し訳ありません。只今、満席なので、お待ち頂くことになります。

Excuse me.Ashtray,please.

Basic, Question, Restaurant, Eats
  • haizarawo itadakemasuka
  • 灰皿をいただけますか?