Japanese phrase(Restaurant

What would you recommend?

Basic, Question, Restaurant, Eats, Restaurant
  • osusumewa nandesuka
  • おすすめはなんですか ?

Can I have some more bread?

Basic, Restaurant, Cafe, Fastfood, Receptionist, Restaurant
  • panwomousukoshi moraemasuka
  • パンをもう少しもらえますか?

I’ll have a cup of coffee with milk and sugar.

Airport, Flight, Basic, Restaurant, Cafe, Receptionist
  • kohiwo mirukutosatoutsukide onegaishimasu
  • コーヒーをミルクと砂糖つきでお願いします。

May I have another cup of coffee?

Basic, Restaurant, Cafe, Receptionist, Restaurant
  • kohinookawariwo itadakemasuka
  • コーヒーのお代わりをいただけますか。

Please take this away.

Airport, Flight, Basic, Restaurant, Receptionist
  • sagetemoraemasuka
  • 下げてもらえますか?

Let me get one of No.1, two of No.4?

Basic, Restaurant, Eats, Fastfood
  • ichibanwohitotsu yonbanwohutatsu itadakemasuka
  • 1番を1つ、4番を2つ頂けますか?

Can I have a hamburger and one coke.

Basic, Restaurant, Fastfood, Receptionist
  • hanbagawo hitotsuto korawohitotsu itadakemasuka
  • ハンバーガーを1つとコーラを1つ頂けますか?

May I have another one, please?

Basic, Restaurant, Eats, Restaurant
  • mouippai okawariwo kudasai
  • もう1杯お代わりをください。

How would you like your steak?

Basic, Question, Restaurant, Restaurant
  • sutekinoyakikagenwa ikaganasaimasuka
  • ステーキの焼き加減はいかがなさいますか?

We will have a bottle of white(red) wine.

Basic, Restaurant, Receptionist, Restaurant
  • shiro(aka)wainwo botorudeipponkudasai
  • 白(赤)ワインをボトルで1本ください。