Japanese phrase(Eats

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Are you still working?

Airport, Flight, Basic, Restaurant, Eats
  • oshokujiwa osumideshouka
  • お食事はお済みでしょうか?

Could you take the food plate?

Airport, Flight, Basic, Restaurant, Eats
  • shokujinopuretowo sagetemoraemasuka
  • 食事のプレートを下げてもらえますか?

What kinds of beer do you have?

Airport, Flight, Basic, Question, Restaurant, Eats
  • birunomeigarawa nanigaarimasuka
  • ビールの銘柄は何がありますか?

Excuse me.Ashtray,please.

Basic, Question, Restaurant, Eats
  • haizarawo itadakemasuka
  • 灰皿をいただけますか?

May I smoke?

Basic, Question, Restaurant, Eats
  • tabakowo suttemoiidesuka
  • タバコを吸ってもいいですか?

Excuse me. This is not my order.

Basic, Restaurant, Eats
  • suimasen korewa chumonshitamonoto chigaimasu
  • すいません。これは注文したものと違います。

How would you like it done?

Basic, Restaurant, Eats
  • yakikagenwa douitashimasuka
  • 焼き具合はどういたしますか?

I dropped my fork spoon.

Basic, Restaurant, Eats
  • supunwo otoshiteshimaimashita
  • スプーンを落としてしまいました。

How is your food?

Basic, Restaurant, Eats
  • ryouriwa ikagadesuka
  • 料理はいかがですか?

Can I have some water?

Basic, Restaurant, Eats
  • mizuwokudasai
  • 水をください。

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