Japanese phrase(Eats

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Could you put it in a to go box?

Basic, Restaurant, Eats, Restaurant
  • mochikaeriyouno pakkuni iretemoraemasenka?
  • 持ち帰り用のパックにいれてもらえますか?

I’d like to take this to go.

Basic, Restaurant, Eats, Restaurant
  • korewo mochikaeritainodesuga
  • これを持ち帰りたいのですが。

Can I get a to go box?

Basic, Restaurant, Eats, Restaurant
  • mochikaeriyouno pakkuwo moraemasuka
  • 持ち帰り用のパックをもらえますか?

This is not what I ordered.

Basic, Other, Trouble, Restaurant, Eats, Restaurant
  • kore watashino chumonsitamonodewa arimasen
  • これ、私の注文したものではありません。

May I have something to drink?

Airport, Flight, Basic, Restaurant, Eats, Restaurant
  • nomimonowo kudasai
  • 飲物をください。

What would you recommend?

Basic, Question, Restaurant, Eats, Restaurant
  • osusumewa nandesuka
  • おすすめはなんですか ?

Let me get one of No.1, two of No.4?

Basic, Restaurant, Eats, Fastfood
  • ichibanwohitotsu yonbanwohutatsu itadakemasuka
  • 1番を1つ、4番を2つ頂けますか?

May I have another one, please?

Basic, Restaurant, Eats, Restaurant
  • mouippai okawariwo kudasai
  • もう1杯お代わりをください。

What do you have for dessert?

Basic, Question, Restaurant, Eats
  • dezatowa naninishimasuka
  • デザートはなににしますか?

I’d like some more coffee.

Basic, Restaurant, Cafe, Eats
  • kohiwo mouippaihoshiinodesuga
  • コーヒーをもう一杯欲しいのですが。

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