Japanese phrase(Question

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May I smoke?

Basic, Question, Restaurant, Eats
  • tabakowo suttemoiidesuka
  • タバコを吸ってもいいですか?

Do you have medicine for headache?

Basic, Question, Hotel, Room, Other, Medicine
  • zutsuuyakuwa arimasuka
  • 頭痛薬はありますか?

Do you have medicine for a cold?

Airport, Flight, Basic, Question, Hotel, Room, Other, Medicine
  • kazegusuriwa arimasuka
  • 風邪薬はありますか?

Do you have medicine for ○○?

Airport, Flight, Basic, Question, Hotel, Room, Medicine
  • ○○nomegusuriwa arimasuka
  • ○○の薬はありますか?

Can I walk from here to there?

Basic, Question, Traffic, Road
  • kokokarasokomade aruiteikemasuka
  • ここからそこまで歩いていけますか?

When is the next bus coming?

Basic, Question, Traffic, Bus
  • tuginobasugakurunowa itsudesuka
  • 次のバスが来るのはいつですか?

Does this bus go to ○○?

Basic, Question
  • konobasuwa ○○niikimasuka
  • このバスは○○に行きますか?

What time do you close?

Basic, Question, Restaurant, Eats
  • nanjiheitendesuka
  • 何時閉店ですか。

How would you like bills?

Basic, Question, Other, Exchange
  • donoyouni ryougaeshimasuka
  • どのように両替しますか?

How much is the commission?

Basic, Question, Other, Exchange
  • tesuuryouwa ikuradesuka
  • 手数料はいくらですか?

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