Japanese phrase(Question

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Is there anything that would be a good landmark?

Basic, Question, Traffic, Road
  • iimejirushini narumonowa arimasuka?
  • 良い目印になるものはありますか?

Excuse me, is anyone sitting here?

Basic, Question, Traffic, Bus
  • suimasen konosekiwa aiteimasuka
  • すいません、この席はあいていますか?

Can you come with me?

Basic, Question, Life, Conversation
  • isshoni kitekurenai
  • 一緒に来てくれない?

What you doing here?

Basic, Question, Life, Conversation
  • konnatokorode naniwoshiteiruno
  • こんな所で何をしているの?

Do you need a ride?

Basic, Question, Traffic, Car
  • notteiku
  • 乗って行く?

Do you have a point card?

Basic, Question, Restaurant, Payment, Shopping, Payment
  • point kadowa omochidesuka?
  • ポイント・カードはお持ちですか?

What’s the expiration date?

Basic, Question, Shopping, Fitting
  • shomikigenwa itsumadedesuka
  • 賞味期限はいつまでですか?

Can I try this?

Basic, Question, Shopping, Fitting
  • shisyoku dekimasuka
  • 試食できますか?

What do you want to do?

Basic, Question, Life, Conversation
  • naniwo shitaidesuka
  • 何をしたいですか?

What kind of movies do you like?

Basic, Question, Life, Conversation
  • donna eigagasukidesuka
  • どんな映画が好きですか?

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