Japanese phrase(Question

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What’s the exchange rate?

Basic, Question, Other, Exchange
  • koukanretowa ikuradesuka
  • 交換レートはいくらですか?

Could you change Japanese yen to dollars?

Basic, Question, Other, Exchange
  • nihonenwo dorunikaeteitadakemasuka
  • 日本円をドルに変えて頂けますか?

Where can I change money?

Basic, Question, Other, Exchange
  • ryougaewa dekimasuka
  • 両替はどこでできますか?

Where is the money exchange?

Basic, Question, Other, Exchange
  • ryougaejyowa dokodesuka
  • 両替所はどこですか?

Which floor is here?

Basic, Question
  • kokohanankaidesuka
  • ここは何階ですか。

Is there any place I can access the Internet?

Basic, Question
  • intanettonitsunagerubashowa arimasuka
  • インターネットにつなげる場所はありますか。

How long will it take?

Basic, Question
  • donokurai jikanga kakarimasuka
  • どのくらい時間がかかりますか。

Where is a rest room?

Basic, Question
  • otearai (toire)wa dokodesuka
  • お手洗い(トイレ)はどこですか。

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