Japanese phrase(Basic

So do I.

Basic, Reply
  • watashimo soudesu
  • 私もそうです。

I think so.

Basic, Reply
  • souomou
  • そう思う。

I’ll miss you.

Basic, Reply
  • aenaito samishii
  • 会えないと寂しい。

Bye for now.

Basic, Reply
  • kyounotokorowa korede
  • 今日のところはこれで。

Time to go.

Basic, Reply
  • ikanakutewa
  • 行かなくては。

Do you often see your family?

Basic, Question, Life, Conversation
  • kazokutowa yokuauno
  • 家族とはよく会うの?

Can I go to see your dog at the next time?

Basic, Question, Life, Conversation
  • tsugini autoki anatanoinu misetemoratteii
  • 次に会うとき、あなたの犬見せてもらっていい?

What kind of pets do you have?

Basic, Question, Life, Conversation
  • nanikatteruno
  • 何飼ってるの?

Do you have any pets?

Basic, Question, Life, Conversation
  • nanika petto katteru
  • 何かペット飼ってる?

Where do your parents live?

Basic, Question, Life, Conversation
  • ryoushinwa dokonisunderuno
  • 両親はどこに住んでるの?