Japanese phrase(Basic

Can I get a to go box?

Basic, Restaurant, Eats, Restaurant
  • mochikaeriyouno pakkuwo moraemasuka
  • 持ち帰り用のパックをもらえますか?

This is not what I ordered.

Basic, Other, Trouble, Restaurant, Eats, Restaurant
  • kore watashino chumonsitamonodewa arimasen
  • これ、私の注文したものではありません。

Are these on sale?

Basic, Question, Shopping, Fitting
  • Korea serudesuka
  • これらはセールですか?

Use a discount coupon.

Basic, Shopping, Payment
  • kuponwo tsukau
  • クーポンを使う。

This is a good deal.

Basic, Shopping, Fitting, Payment
  • okaidokudane
  • お買い得だね。

Could you bring me a cart?

Basic, Question, Shopping, Fitting, Payment
  • katowo mottekitekureru?
  • カートを持ってきてくれる?

Where are the daily household items?

Basic, Question, Shopping, Fitting
  • nichiyouhin uribawa dokokana?
  • 日用品売り場はどこかな?

Excuse me. How can I get to the closest station from here?

Basic, Question, Traffic, Road
  • sumimasen kokokara ichiban chikaiekiniwa douyatteittara yoidesuka?
  • すみません。ここから一番近い駅にはどうやって行ったらよいですか?

Is there anything that would be a good landmark?

Basic, Question, Traffic, Road
  • iimejirushini narumonowa arimasuka?
  • 良い目印になるものはありますか?

Excuse me, is anyone sitting here?

Basic, Question, Traffic, Bus
  • suimasen konosekiwa aiteimasuka
  • すいません、この席はあいていますか?