Japanese phrase(Basic

Hurry, please.

Basic, Traffic, Taxi
  • isogide onegaishimasu
  • 急ぎでお願いします。

About how long will it take?

Basic, Traffic, Taxi
  • donokurai jikankakarimasuka
  • どのくらい時間かかりますか?

How much is the basic taxi fare?

Basic, Traffic, Taxi
  • takushinokihonryoukinwa ikuradesuka
  • タクシーの基本料金はいくらですか。

Could you get me a taxi?

Basic, Traffic, Taxi
  • takushiwo yondemoraukoto dekimasuka
  • タクシーを呼んでもらうこと出来ますか?

I’d like to go to this address, please.

Basic, Traffic, Road, Taxi
  • konojyushomade onegaishimasu
  • この住所までお願いします。

Where is the bus stop?

Basic, Traffic, Bus, Road
  • basuteiwa dokodesuka
  • バス停はどこですか?

Where is the sea?

Basic, Traffic, Road
  • umiwa dokodesuka
  • 海はどこですか?

Would you like to sit in the smoking or nonsmoking area?

Basic, Restaurant, Receptionist, Restaurant
  • kin enseki kitsuensekino dochiranisaremasuka
  • 喫煙席、禁煙席のどちらにされますか?

How many?

Basic, Restaurant, Receptionist, Restaurant
  • nanmeisamadesuka
  • 何名様ですか?

Do you need to make a reservation?

Basic, Restaurant, Receptionist, Restaurant
  • yoyakugahitsuyoudesuka
  • 予約が必要ですか?