Japanese phrase(Basic

What name is the reservation under?

Basic, Hotel, Front
  • goyoyakunoonamaewo oshieteitadakemasuka
  • ご予約のお名前を教えて頂けますか?

Sightseeing or business?

Airport, Entry, Basic
  • kankoudesuka, soretomooshigotodesuka
  • 観光ですか、それともお仕事ですか?

What’s the purpose of your visit?

Airport, Entry, Basic
  • konkainomokutekiga nandesuka
  • 今回の目的は何ですか?

I will put in a luggage and will bring another bag with me.

Airport, Luggage, Basic
  • tenimotsuwa hitotsuwaazukete hitotsuwa kinainimochikomimasu
  • 手荷物は、1つは預けて1つは機内に持ち込みます。

I would like to carry this bag on with me.

Airport, Luggage, Basic
  • kononimotsuwo kinainimochikomitaidesu
  • この荷物を機内に持ち込みたいです。

How many luggage would you like?

Airport, Luggage, Basic
  • nimotsuwa ikutsuazukemasuka
  • 荷物はいくつ預けますか?

From what time can I check in?

Airport, Reception, Basic
  • nanjikaratoujyoutetsuzukiwo okonaukotogadekimasuka
  • 何時から搭乗手続きを行うことが出来ますか?

Could you put my bag in the trunk?

Basic, Traffic, Taxi
  • nimotsuwo torankuni iretekudasai
  • 荷物をトランクに入れてください。

Can five people get on?

Basic, Traffic, Taxi
  • gonin noremasuka
  • 5人乗れますか。

Could you open the trunk?

Basic, Traffic, Taxi
  • torankuwo aketekudasai
  • トランクを開けてください。