Japanese phrase(Basic

Do you have this in large?

Basic, Shopping, Fitting
  • erusaizuwa arimasuka
  • Lサイズはありますか?

Do you have this in medium?

Basic, Shopping, Fitting
  • emusaizuhaarimasuka
  • Mサイズはありますか?

Do you have this in small?

Basic, Shopping, Fitting
  • esusaizuwaarimasuka
  • Sサイズはありますか?

What’s this size?

Basic, Shopping, Fitting
  • korenosaizuhaikutsudesuka
  • これのサイズはいくつですか。

Is this medium size?

Basic, Shopping, Fitting
  • korewa emusaizudesuka
  • これはMサイズですか?

Do you have it in any other color?

Basic, Shopping, Fitting
  • korenoirochigaiwa arimasuka
  • これの色違いはありますか?

Do you have any seats available we can sit together?

Airport, Reception, Basic
  • hutaride tonaridoushidesuwarusekiwa arimasuka
  • 二人で隣同士で座る席はありますか?

Which floor is here?

Basic, Question
  • kokohanankaidesuka
  • ここは何階ですか。

Is there any place I can access the Internet?

Basic, Question
  • intanettonitsunagerubashowa arimasuka
  • インターネットにつなげる場所はありますか。

Can I have beer?

Basic, Restaurant, Eats
  • biruwokudasai
  • ビールをください。