Japanese phrase(Basic

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OK, I’ll try those.

Basic, Restaurant, Eats
  • sorenishitemimasu
  • それにしてみます。

For here, or to go?

Basic, Restaurant, Fastfood
  • tennaide omeshiagaridesuka. omochikaeridesuka
  • 店内でお召し上がりですか。お持ち帰りですか。

What would you like?

Basic, Restaurant, Fastfood
  • nanininasaimasuka
  • 何になさいますか?

Can I walk from here to there?

Basic, Question, Traffic, Road
  • kokokarasokomade aruiteikemasuka
  • ここからそこまで歩いていけますか?

May I see your passport?

Airport, Entry, Basic
  • pasupotowo miseteitadakemasuka
  • パスポートを見せて頂けますか?

What’s your occupation?

Airport, Entry, Basic
  • oshigotowa naniwonasatteimasuka
  • お仕事は何をなさっていますか?

How long are you going to stay?

Airport, Entry, Basic
  • dorekurai taizaisuruyoteidesuka
  • どれぐらい滞在する予定ですか?

Where are you going to stay?

Airport, Entry, Basic
  • dochiranishukuhakusuruyoteidesuka
  • どちらに宿泊する予定ですか?

When is the next bus coming?

Basic, Question, Traffic, Bus
  • tuginobasugakurunowa itsudesuka
  • 次のバスが来るのはいつですか?

Does this bus go to ○○?

Basic, Question
  • konobasuwa ○○niikimasuka
  • このバスは○○に行きますか?

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