Japanese phrase(Basic

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Could you wait about five minutes , please?

Basic, Restaurant, Cafe, Fastfood, Receptionist, Restaurant
  • gofunhodo omachiitadakemasudeshouka
  • 5分程お待ちいただけますでしょうか?

I am so sorry, there is no table available now. We will have to ask you to wait.

Basic, Restaurant, Receptionist, Restaurant
  • mousiwakearimasen. tadaima mansekinanode omachiitadakukotoninarimasu
  • 申し訳ありません。只今、満席なので、お待ち頂くことになります。

Where can I catch a Taxi?

Basic, Question, Traffic, Taxi
  • dokodetakushiwo hiroemasuka
  • どこでタクシーを拾えますか?

How do I pay the fare?

Basic, Question, Traffic, Bus
  • jyousyachinwa douyatte shiharaeba iinodesuka
  • 乗車賃はどうやって支払えばいいのですか?

What is the fare?

Basic, Question, Traffic, Bus, Taxi
  • jyousyachinwa ikuradesuka
  • 乗車賃はいくらですか?

Does this bus go to ○○?

Basic, Question, Traffic, Bus
  • konobasuwa ○○niikimasuka
  • このバスは○○に行きますか?

Is it far from here?

Basic, Question, Traffic, Road
  • kokokara toidesuka
  • ここから遠いですか?

Is it near here?

Basic, Question, Traffic, Road
  • kokokara chikaidesuka
  • ここから近いですか?

What time do we arrive?

Airport, Flight, Basic, Question
  • nanjini tsukimasuka
  • 何時に着きますか?

What time is it now?

Basic, Question
  • imananjidesuka
  • 今何時ですか?

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