Japanese phrase(Airport

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Can I have newspaper or magazine?

Airport, Flight, Basic, Question
  • shinbunkazasshiwoitadakemasuka
  • 新聞か雑誌をいただけますか?

May I put my seat back?

Airport, Flight, Basic, Question
  • shitowo ushironitaoshitemo yoroshiidesuka
  • シートを後ろに倒してもよろしいですか?

Can I change my seat?

Airport, Flight, Basic, Question
  • sekiwoutsuttemoiidesuka
  • 席を移ってもいいですか?

I could not find my luggage.

Airport, Luggage, Reception, Basic
  • azuketanimotsugaarimasen
  • 預けた荷物がありません。

Where can I pick up my luggage?

Airport, Luggage, Reception, Basic
  • nimotsuwa dokodeuketoremasuka
  • 荷物はどこで受け取れますか?

Are you still working?

Airport, Flight, Basic, Restaurant, Eats
  • oshokujiwa osumideshouka
  • お食事はお済みでしょうか?

Could you take the food plate?

Airport, Flight, Basic, Restaurant, Eats
  • shokujinopuretowo sagetemoraemasuka
  • 食事のプレートを下げてもらえますか?

What kinds of beer do you have?

Airport, Flight, Basic, Question, Restaurant, Eats
  • birunomeigarawa nanigaarimasuka
  • ビールの銘柄は何がありますか?

What time do we arrive?

Airport, Flight, Basic, Question
  • nanjini tsukimasuka
  • 何時に着きますか?

Do you have medicine for a cold?

Airport, Flight, Basic, Question, Hotel, Room, Other, Medicine
  • kazegusuriwa arimasuka
  • 風邪薬はありますか?

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